JUL 1, 2024

Keep Talkin'

It’s showtime, baby! I'm talking about outdoor consumer trade show season, and it's about to be back in full swing! For those of us who live and breathe the outdoorsmanship lifestyle—whether it’s hunting, fishing, or other outdoor sports—there’s a saying you've probably heard or you've read a few times here: “There is no off-season.” This really just means that our so-called "off-season" is simply a time to shift our focus. It’s a period dedicated to conservation, preparation, rest, and an incredible amount of hard work behind the scenes.

One of the biggest examples of this is the trade show season. Industry workers travel nationwide, attending trade shows and putting in an unimaginable amount of time and effort into making them successful. But why are these shows worth the time and energy year after year? Let's get into it!

Consumer trade shows, like the Delta Waterfowl Expo and the Wisconsin Expo are quite literally the land of opportunity. From the obvious consumer benefits of being able to see, touch, and even test products in person to the extremely advantageous benefit of being able to hear endless tips, tricks, specs, and guidance from the pros, there is something at these shows for everyone. I always find myself feeling so charged after these events! The sense of community, the excitement of seeing new innovations, and the stories shared among friends are unlike anything else. These shows are filled with opportunities to learn, socialize, and even introduce new members to the community and show them what it's all about! Shows are family-friendly, with things to see and do that will blow your mind. From dog events, demonstrations, meeting people from TV shows, arts and crafts, calling contests, cooking segments, and so much more! 

Shows are so important to keep that fire burning and remind us why we love hunting and the outdoors! It's rare to attend a social event where everyone is there for the same purpose. We all have this passion in common, and it's impossible not to have a great time in a room like that. Talk about the ultimate way to feel fired up for the upcoming season!

My good friend and TFL crew member, Joel Kleefisch, recently reminded me of some of his reasons why shows are so important to him. Joel said, “Interacting one-on-one with people who share the same passion for waterfowl is inspirational! Exchanging adventures in the blind, recipes, and occasionally honey holes is the reason expos and shows are irreplaceable.”

Joel frequently conducts wild game cooking demonstrations at shows.

“That look on someone’s face when they have a preconceived notion of wild goose, then say it was the best pot pie they ever tasted. Shows give us the chance, face-to-face, to prove the wonder of field to table. With today's recipes, rubs, and spices, the possibilities are endless.

Another huge benefit some shows have to offer is their calling contests. If you have been to one of these, you know exactly what I'm talking about! If you haven't, attending one should absolutely be on your priority list! Listening to callers' dedication to perfecting their craft and competing with the best is truly inspirational and will ignite the fire to be a better caller!

Wherever you are, I hope to see you at an upcoming show this season! Please, come by, shake hands, and as always, let’s keep talkin.’

Have something to talk about? Email us @keeptalkin@tflproductions and start the conversation!