It's still hot here in Virginia, folks. Yuck. Fall is right around the corner, but I worry it may die of a heat stroke before it can get here.
One of the key stories in this edition of The Hunting Wire is NSSF's - NSSF Welcomes USFWS Expanded Hunting Opportunities on Public Lands.
Why? Because the use of our land is long overdue. Public land is just that - public.
With more access comes more responsibility. The land is public, and so is the stage for us to demonstrate our positive impact on our communities. But remember, our actions also shape public opinion. Peter Churchbourne's article , "Why Public Opinion of Hunting Matters," is a powerful reminder of the influence we hold in shaping the future of hunting.
Yes, we have more access now. It can help us, or it can hurt us. The choice is ours.
Jay Pinsky
Editor - The Hunting Wire & The Archery Wire