NOV 10, 2020

Pope & Young Certifies Record Velvet Typical Sitka Blacktail

A Pope and Young Club Special Panel of Judges has certified Allen Bollen’s Velvet Typical Sitka Blacktail as the largest bow-harvested VELVET Typical Blacktail in North America.

On Wednesday, October 28th, the Pope and Young Club convened a Special Panel of Judges at the Cabela’s Store in Lehi, UT, for a potential P&Y World Record Velvet Typical Sitka Blacktail. Allen Bollen’s velvet blacktail scored an amazing 108 1/8" and is now the largest bow-harvested VELVET Typical Blacktail in North America. This amazing blacktail deer was shot in Southeast Alaska.

Measurers present at the Special Panel were (L to R) Dallas Smith of Utah, Justin Spring of Montana, Dallas Leo of Utah, and Roger Atwood of Idaho. Also present to oversee the Special Panel, was Record’s Chairman, Roy Grace of Arizona. With a final score of 108 18”, Bollen’s velvet typical blacktail deer was confirmed as the new P&Y World Record. This deer surpasses the previous largest velvet typical blacktail deer in the records program by 2 5/8”. The Pope and Young Club recently changed a policy that now allows velvet antlered species to be eligible for World Record status within their own velvet categories.

“This was a self-guided DIY backpacking hunt. Over 3 years year’s I’ve put in 36 days living out of a backpack looking for giant stika deer”, Says, Bollen.

“This Sitka Blacktail is an incredible animal that is obviously the result of sound, science-based game management from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game coupled with the continued support of sportsmen’s dollars, ensuring the future of Alaska wildlife. Congratulations to Allen Bolen on taking such a mature and beautiful Sitka Blacktail Deer with a bow and arrow.” -Roy Grace

You can see this incredible animal on display at the Pope and Young’s Biennial Awards Convention and Pope and Young’s 60th Anniversary, in Reno, NV, April 14-17th, 2021. One of the largest displays of North American, bow-harvested, big-game animals (velvet and hard antlered) will be assembled for viewing. For Convention information, go to: To register on-line, go to:

This World Record Velvet Typical Sitka Blacktail has been entered into the 32nd recording period representing entries accepted into the P&Y Records Program from January 1st, 2019, to December 31st, 2020. At the close of every biennial recording period, numerical awards and honorable mentions are awarded to the most outstanding bow-harvested animals in each species category that have been entered during this two-year recording period. New World Records are verified and proclaimed, and awards are presented to these outstanding animals during the Pope and Young Club's Biennial Convention and Awards Banquet.